Depression is something that can be severely disabling and something that a great number of Americans suffer with. It can transform a person's world. I was reading a recent article comparing three different treatments for people suffering with severe depression - 1) Exercise alone, 2) Medication alone, and 3) Exercise with Medication.
The findings were astounding!
The findings were astounding!
The Exercise WITHOUT Medication group had better recovery as well as fewer relapses than either of the other two groups. Just take a look at the chart!
The amazing thing is that not only did exercise beat medication, but exercise alone beat exercise WITH the medication (meaning that the medicine appeared detrimental to the recovery of these people after they began an exercise program). Say "Wow!"
Important - Exercise is NOT a therapy! Adequate movement (especially movement of the spine) is ESSENTIAL for proper functioning of the brain, heart, lungs, muscles, and every other part of the body.
If these depressed people were deficient in exercise causing chemical changes in the brain, how can we possibly think that medication is the rational solution?
If these depressed people were deficient in exercise causing chemical changes in the brain, how can we possibly think that medication is the rational solution?
If their bodies NEEDED exercise but didn't have it, what is the only way to reestablish a normal level of health? If we continue to focus on drug-centered solutions to overcome lifestyle-created issues, where is the hope?
A LACK of an essential nutrient allows the possibility of disease. Having this understanding is absolutely critical for optimal health and wellness!
How can we call long-term drugs without exercise a "treatment" for depression and consider ourselves rational and "evidence-based"?
More important is the understanding that within the human body, there's never a time when you have just one cause of any "condition". If you also helped these depressed persons improve what they were putting into their body in terms of NUTRITION and THOUGHTS, imagine what would happen for their ability to express amazing health and vitality!
Where is this understanding in today's "Health Care"? Is this the conversation that goes on between a depressed patient and their doctor? Are these sick people viewing the drug as a REPLACEMENT for exercise (look at the relapse rates in these two groups)? Are depressed patients being told that exercise alone may be their BEST option? These people are NOT going to get this information in a drug commercial on TV - exercise is FREE! Who's going to tell them the truth?
Here's to getting and staying depression-free by supplying the body what it needs in terms of movement, nutrition, and emotion.
Where is this understanding in today's "Health Care"? Is this the conversation that goes on between a depressed patient and their doctor? Are these sick people viewing the drug as a REPLACEMENT for exercise (look at the relapse rates in these two groups)? Are depressed patients being told that exercise alone may be their BEST option? These people are NOT going to get this information in a drug commercial on TV - exercise is FREE! Who's going to tell them the truth?
Here's to getting and staying depression-free by supplying the body what it needs in terms of movement, nutrition, and emotion.
Reconnecting you to health and happines, Naturally.
I believe it Steve! It's amazing what excerise does for the whole body, mentally, physically, emotionally!