Yesterday during church the most impressive moment for me was when someone got up and related a profound story. He asked a coworker what the most valuable thing was in his life. He was inspired by the coworker's response-after thinking for a long moment, the coworker replied, "Relationships."
So true. I even took a moment to write this down (a rare thing for me as I'm usually too busy wrestling with the girls and feeding them snacks to write anything during church services anymore).
Indeed relationships are the most important thing we can cultivate in this life. During the Sunday School lesson I gave, I was sure to repeat this sentiment. Critical relationships in our lives are with our families/friends, our Creator, and also with our own bodies (physical, mental, spiritual). When we lose track of this fact, we become less happy and don't often realize why.
Importantly, many of us are removed from the last relationship - with our own bodies. Because of the constant bombardment of conflicting ideas, many of us don't truly understand what to feed our bodies in terms of food, movement, and thoughts. Most of us have a general understanding and yet we don't act in ways that produce vibrant health. Interesting...
Most of us are disconnected with what our bodies try to tell us on a daily basis. When we take time to listen, we will sometimes hear, but more often feel whether a behavior was beneficial for our body. When we learn to listen more intently to our bodies, they will help guide us in becoming more healthy. When we let the film of interference from outside signals fade away by cultivating an innate awareness from within, we can begin to express the health that our bodies are designed to express.
Importantly, many of us are removed from the last relationship - with our own bodies. Because of the constant bombardment of conflicting ideas, many of us don't truly understand what to feed our bodies in terms of food, movement, and thoughts. Most of us have a general understanding and yet we don't act in ways that produce vibrant health. Interesting...
Most of us are disconnected with what our bodies try to tell us on a daily basis. When we take time to listen, we will sometimes hear, but more often feel whether a behavior was beneficial for our body. When we learn to listen more intently to our bodies, they will help guide us in becoming more healthy. When we let the film of interference from outside signals fade away by cultivating an innate awareness from within, we can begin to express the health that our bodies are designed to express.
This is the very reason I created this blog - because our behaviors have consequences and what we do will spill over into what our children do. We need to reconnect with a true understanding of what our bodies naturally require and then figure out how to get ourselves to properly nourish our bodies...for our children's sake.
In Health, Love, and Freedom,
Stephen Perry - Wellness Expert and (soon-to-be) Chiropractor
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